Madonna’s Family VS False Cult

Cult leaders don’t revive the old religion, they estrange cult members from their family. The job of the revivalist is not to deprogram into nothingness and oblivion but to reunite cult victim with true religion & to unite them with family who holds the same beliefs of their family member.
Joe’s Uncle, Saint Vincent is an old school church believer. Doesn’t like Joe’s novus ordo church for shut ins and the sick. Webcam in church for High Priests homily is VITAL to revitalize the old church from Illuminati’s masonic pawn child rapists.

Uncle Vincent gave every stormtrooper at the front during the Krajina Tesla Bombing 50 dollars each. My uncle vinny gives till it hurts at el Croato church. Open your eyes to what Madonna said to us subhuman slaves in 1998 my Uncle Vinny who lives in Burnaby City.

Trump and the men at the top are threatening to strike terror. I can’t leave country. WE NEED SOMEONE WITH BALLS. A UBERMENCH SUPERMAN…with american peace flag folded 13 times. Give America some oxygen. The American dream is on life support, Dr K is gonna pull the plug soon and send in the peacekeepers.

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