About Alexander De Large

Your friend and humble narrator.

Cult of Personality: Gandhi


Q: Let’s talk “Messiah Complex.” How did you develop this show?

A: I’ve reached a point in my career where I felt I could write about whatever I wanted to, so I thought, “Why not write about what actually interested me?” I wanted to write about who inspired me, and why they inspired me, but also why they are relevant to society today … people like Gandhi, Che Guevara, Malcolm X, Jesus Christ — and how figures like that changed the world. It’s an essay on meaning.

Q: Why do icons such as Jesus and Gandhi inspire you? Why are their stories so important?

A: What is important about all the icons … are that they represent the possibility for change. They all represent opposing masses against an elite enemy — whether it’s Gandhi against the British Empire, or Malcolm X against the oppressive racists, or Christ against Roman Imperialism. They’re all about the emancipation of human beings, the freedom of human beings.