Untamable Miley

Miley won’t wear no red star

unlike some other singers we know

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16 thoughts on “Untamable Miley

  1. I’m Miley’s bodyguard:

    A famous actress, Frances Farmer (1913-1970) was lobotomized by
    Hollywood Jews because she wouldn’t join their Communist plot, according to the late Eustace Mullins. Her tragic fate suggests that psychiatry plays an important role in the Illuminati Jewish plan for world tyranny.

  2. This song goes out to my dead pet Hannah

    my black dog….so what are you telling me Jake? that bangerz dildo was for u?

    4 your bum bum?

  3. MY BUM is exit only

    1 Timothy 3:2
    an overseer must be the husband of one wife

    when u have 4 wives and a 5 million dollar Bugati, like andrew tate, the whole nash equlibrium goes out of wack

    and some guys can’t find wives

    1 wife is all a regular Joe should be able to handle

  4. The majority of my programming, as well as a large part of Kelly’s, was
    again Oz theme based. This means the combination of codes, keys and triggers
    to access me were related to L. Frank Baum’s story, The Wizard Of Oz.
    Whether or not it was Baum’s intention (or for that matter Walt Disney’s, Lewis
    Carroll’s, etc.), it is evident that his psychologically intense story was used for
    manipulating minds. Much of The Wizard Of Oz lends itself to themes
    commonly used by perpetrators. For example, nearly all MPD/DIDs have
    suffered the loss of pets during ritualized torture.
    And all of Baum’s primary
    character Dorothy’s nightmarish experiences “over the rainbow in Oz” stemmed
    from her desire to risk her own life to protect her threatened pet. Abusers use
    this lesson to condition the victim to drop all resistance and cooperate or “I’ll
    get you, my pretty, and your little dog (or child) too.” The “over the rainbow”
    scramble of dreams vs. reality provides abusers a theme by which to manipulate
    an MPD’s subconscious perception of switching personalities. Oftentimes this
    theme is transdimensional as is Oz, or that which was just experienced was “just
    a bad dream” like Dorothy was told upon her awakening in her own bed back in

    CIA cryptic language is manipulation of the English language such that
    words have a double meaning (aka ‘double binds’ in mental health
    terminology.) It works much the way as communication through “inside jokes”,
    among people familiar with each other. Perhaps this is a reason for the
    government’s use of professional comedians as slave handlers. Since mindcontrolled slaves’ minds function consciously through their subconscious, which
    has no way of discerning fantasy from reality or intended meaning from literal
    meaning, cryptic dual level language is especially effective. Many CIA covert
    operations I was involved in occurred in public. Anyone who overheard the
    conversation would have discerned something very different from what actually
    “trance-spired”. For example, one of my Washington, D.C. Secret Service
    escorts linked arms with me like Dorothy did wiih her companions when
    walking the Yellow Brick Road. This would have appeared to be normal
    behavior, or even romantic, to outsiders. But to me it was a signal to “stay the
    course” (Bush’s quote) and follow directions. Arm in arm we walked through
    the crowded Air and Space Museum of the Smithsonian to the nearby NASA
    headquarters. There he read the “Service Entrance” sign on the door
    accentuating syllables ever so slightly so that I heard him cryptically command,
    “Serve-us, En-Trance”

  5. IT IS HARD for an abused person to trust anyone:

    But u can trust cousin luis….click your heels together and say THERE’S NO PLACE LIKE HOME miley

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