Peta & President Snow’s Message

white as snow…revelation 7 white robes of our president
unity in diversity….as long as u got the beast bucks
shh…rebel transmission…this is what they think of u
goyim, cattle, sheeple, proles, hoi polloi, plebs


remember mockingjay and her lord of the flies story in silver linings…if peta (people for the ethical treatment of animals) dies…putin might go nuclear with rage

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7 thoughts on “Peta & President Snow’s Message

  1. Nikola Tesla was a brilliant inventor and showman with a science fictional mystique. The following ominous quotation is attributed to him: You may live to see man-made horrors beyond your comprehension.

  2. 4,432,880 Missing Persons Vanished In the Past 20 Years…Britain’s lost children, with 140,000 youngsters going missing across the country each year.

    SEE THE NELLY’S ALEX JONEZ??? bite your tongue!!!


    taking out the alien human cattle farm….the kids are like veal to alien society…..look at illuminati tables

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