In Defence of Israel

In 164 B.C., Jewish rebels led by Judah Maccabee took Jerusalem and liberated the temple, an event commemorated in the festival of Hanukkah.


The Greeks destroyed the Jews first temple, The Romans the second. In baseball, 3 strikes and your out. Both the Greeks and Romans were ruthless Conquering civilizations. After the end of the second temple and the fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s prophecy the Jews became just as ruthless when it came to the unclean/gentiles.

The reason Jews break a glass during the wedding ceremony is to remember two of the most important and tragic events of Jewish history: the destruction of the Jewish temples. 

Revelation 13:10
He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity:
he that killeth with the sword
must be killed with the sword.
Here is the patience and faith of the saints.

The ruthless plot in the protocols of Zion took 3000 years to recapture Israel. That took patience and faith. But now the time has come for Israel to join EUROPE. To come back home to the EU revived Roman Empire. The 5th empire in Portuguese folklore.

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2 thoughts on “In Defence of Israel

  1. I’m going to take you Jews back home to Jerusalem, the capital of the world. The trading center of the world. And you can have your farm and your movie studios.

    u just got to give up on the american/mystery babylon false dream/nightmare. as soon as east van synagogue opens up. give me a few weeks

  2. Your people’s holy war against the rest of the world (gentiles) has to end…because u are WINNING!!! Winning like Charlie Sheen snorting a 7 gram rock.

    15 million Jews against 7.5 billion goyimz

    What are the odds of that?

    UN fracking BELIEVABLE…Hitler’s ghost are you there? YES MEIN FUHRER!!!

    I CAN WALK!!!

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