Fraternity Ritual Books from Wikileaks


Here are some new Fraternity Ritual Books from Wikileaks.

Alpha Chi Omega is a women’s fraternity Condoleezza Rice is a member of. Amber Brkich from Survivor is a member of Alpha Gamma Delta another women’s fraternity . Alpha Kappa Alpha is an African American sorority for females. Benjamin Bratt and Star Trek’s Jonathan Frakes are members of Lambda Chi Alpha. There is also Pi Kappa Alpha, Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Sigma Tau, Delta Sigma Theta, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Phi Epsilon and Sigma Chi.

My favorite book is the Jewish fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi. Facebook billionaire Mark Zuckerberg’s fraternity. Praise Big Brother! Praise Him!

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54 thoughts on “Fraternity Ritual Books from Wikileaks

  1. Kinda shitty that my fraternity’s ritual isn’t secret anymore either. We don’t sacrifice goats, guard the Illuminati, or administer diseases to the enemies of a secret organization hellbent on controlling us all. We’re just a brotherhood of men who want to become a part of something bigger than ourselves. I’m not mad that you found our poop. I’m mad that one of my brothers fracked up and allowed our ritual book to be confiscated. That’s one of the things that makes my fraternity special. I believe that it is imperative that we all remain vigilant citizens, but you need to remain sane in the process. Your overzealous paranoia will get you nowhere in life. Relax, and help your fellow man, rather than make enemies with a bunch of fraternal gentlemen. I am hurt for all fraternities that have had their secrets exposed. AEKDB.

  2. Franklin, I’m sorry you had the experience you shouldn’t have. Your chapter did not respect you or the fraternity’s history, values and true brotherhood. I was initiated into my fraternity in 1950. For all of you who are not Greek, I’ll explain what a fraternity is. In the early 19th century, absolutist faculty members punished college men who thought differently than what they were taught. Secret study meetings were the only way to share opinions and values with each other. Deeper bonds were created in time; it became fashionable to “solidify” these bonds with each other. Founders of a fraternity codified a set of values and presented them in a theatrical fashion, the “ritual.” Those values would ensure your future success. I took those values to heart, and they are still special to me, 63 years later. I know other members of my fraternity committed themselves to them. We share a “secret bond” of brotherhood. Every symbol represents something special, since those early times. Hazing has no place in a fraternity. It denigrates what we intend to share with each other, for life. It was never included in founding documents and rituals. My chapter has reunions from time to time. My brothers are close to my heart. They always have been. And, we’ve had each others’ backs for, in my case, 63 years ago. Joe, you have no idea of which you speak.

  3. I was once a pike then they kicked me out because I couldn’t pay dues
    phi phi kappa alpha means “fine friend king Arthur”

    “In the Spirit of fine friend king Arthur”
    deny it if you want it’s true

  4. wasonceapike your an idiot and not in pi kappa alpha that is not what phi phi kappa alpha means

  5. Funny thing! If none of these members had not said a word, who would think this was real?

    Great job, Joe!

  6. you do realize that while you search the internet all day for our “secrets” we’re out networking for high paying jobs and banging your girlfriends.

  7. I’m a member of one of the largest Fraternities in America, as well as Canada. My ritual is not up here, but we have had to relentlessly fight to find sources where it has been leaked, and then file lawsuits, under the clause of publishing and copyrights. But let me say this…I don’t agree with posting rituals. I do believe they are entitled to those individuals that deserve to know them, and this issue used to really bother me. At the same time, memorizing, or reading a book is COMPlETELY different from experiencing the real thing. So yea, you may discover the lingo, the secrets…but you won’t really understand them, and more importantly, WHY they exist. Understanding ritual, really understanding it, makes for better brothers, sisters, and chapters. So again, you can read, you can memorize, but even then, I gaurantee you won’t comprehend its meaning and understanding. That has to be instilled in the members, and reading can’t do that, but living it can.

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